
Culture of Opportunity

Culture that matters!

In the workplace, culture is the character and personality of an organization. It makes a business unique and is a summary of its values, beliefs and behaviors. At Westmor, our culture is foundational to everything we do.

A successful employee at Westmor is humble about accomplishments, hungry to learn more and intelligent about their emotional effect on others. Those who come to the company with these ethics or commit to learning them along the way will thrive!

What is a Culture of Opportunity?

Our Core Values


When you interact with us, you won’t get any Wall-Street nonsense. As a privately held company with investors that are committed to the long game, we operate with transparency and authenticity. We are a rigorously honest people. Said more simply: We do what we say we will do!


Our culture encourages personal improvement. Ideas are shared, heard, and developed. This means recognizing potential in our employees, looking to hire internally, and offering classes for personal improvement at the Weld Training Center (WTC) and corporate Superior Industries University (SIU).


We develop long-term relationships that are fostered with trust, respect, and care. Whether it’s a new customer or new hire, we enter each endeavor eager to make continuing investments in the relationship. Family is the goal.

work ethic

Being based in a rural agricultural community, hard work comes natural to us. A good work ethic is hardwired into our DNA. Our employees gain satisfaction and a sense of belonging through their diligence and accomplishment.

Pillars of Strategy

At Westmor Industries, our core values are the guiding principles behind the decisions our employees make every day. They do not change from situation to situation. Instead, our principles are the rock-solid foundation of our business and a road map to employee success.

In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins explains what he calls the “Hedgehog Concept,” businesses committing to doing one thing and doing it well. Collins uses the parable of a clever, devious fox and a simple hedgehog.

The fox keeps coming up with new ideas to eat the hedgehog, but the hedgehog defeats him by doing one trick: rolling into a thorny ball. Who wins…every time? Like the hedgehog, Westmor developed simple, strategic concepts that we pursue with relentless consistency.

What we are deeply passionate about?


It is that “caretaker” principle that we seek to apply every day. We feel it’s important that our customer’s businesses are improved as a result of doing business with us. If we take care employees, they will take care of customers and customers will create returns for our investors.

What drives our economic engine?


It is what allows our company to be profitable and provide future opportunities. Through our products and processes, it is always innovation that keeps us ahead of competition. Innovation shows our willingness to learn and grow!

What can we be the best in the world at?

Customer Wow

We are a privately held company and we have a passion to help people. This gives us the best opportunity to help our customers and they appreciate it.